PMP(R) Certification Training with Exam Prep

PMP(R) Certification Live Online: Training companies like ours provide you a 35 hour certificate at the end of class. You can use this certificate for exam approval. You will learn everything you need to know to pass the PMP exam.

Authorized Prep Content in digital and Print: You receive this important Prep materials once you have purchased the training. The login for the digital content also provides some videos.

Other Class Content & Online Quiz Practice: We provide online quiz practice for 60 days post training, although you will get your login on the 3rd or 4th day of training. Online quiz practice provides interactive learning, and exercises your brain to think cognitively; that is, applying logic and reasoning. This practice will increase your cognitive skills, also preparing you to pass the PMP exam. We also provide Supplemental Materials that include 15 workflows and cross reference by subject to the Prep book. The workflows provide exam visibility, the same visibility is most helpful for managing your projects too.

PMP(R) Exam requirements are 35 hours of training plus 36 months / 4,500 hours or 60 months / 7,500 hours of project management experience (with a 4-year degree or equivalent or minimum of a high school diploma respectively). You can go back 8 years to collect that experience. We are always happy to review your work experience if you are interested in our training.

See all exam requirements, guarantee details: Take a PMP Certification Training.

What are examples of project management? Some people who take the training have never had a title of project manager, yet they have lead or managed projects. That’s because they title may have been designer, engineer, architect, systems analyst, or another profession. What is a project? It is a temporary endeavor. Something temporary has a start and end date. The project must also have a unique outcome. Without a unique outcome, it is not a project. For example, perhaps you develop high school curriculum for certain subjects. Every year, you have to update the curriculum due to changes. Then when you create it, and each year to update it, it would be a project. Or you develop organizational training programs and you also conduct the training. Most of training programs that you created for your organization can be run over and over throughout the year and sometimes for several years. The first time you create it, it is a project, along with the first training. However, after that, it is operations (routine work) until there are changes. Once it is updated then it can be counted as a project again. Or perhaps you are a systems analyst assigned who was assigned review of all As-Is systems and report on the need for system upgrades, To-Be systems. You did an extensive report, linking all organization objects and actors, etc. You can report this activity as project management experience. However, if you job is to pull data every day for your customers, and your reports are routine daily or monthly operations, then your work is not a project.

How can you gain experience for project management if you don’t have enough project management experience? Many people work on a project management team first, then those who show leadership ability are often given opportunity to lead projects. If you don’t have any or enough project management experience, you can also take the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)(R) certification. If you have some project management experience and have some work on an agile team, you might have enough experience for a specialization in agile projects, a PMI-ACP Certification. Perhaps you have always been a business analyst. Business analysts do projects 99% of the time. They do business analyst projects. These projects qualify them to take the business analyst exam and or the PMP Exam depending on the amount of experience they have. As you can see all these topics are related.

Take a PMP(R) Certification Training or a CAPM Certification Training or a PMI-ACP Certification Training or a Business Analyst Certification Training. You’ll be so glad your did.

Testimonials for: PMP or CAPM or PMI-ACP or PMI-PBA Certifications

About Nereda Haque

PMP Certification Training and related trainings are my passion. SmartPath LLC was founded in May 2007 in Washington State. PMI-ACP and PMI-PBA, PgMP, PMI-SP, EDMP for Big Data BI End Users, Six Sigma Yellow Belt, Six Sigma Green Belt and other project management related training are all the subject of this blog. We live in a dynamic world. Information is changing rapidly. Better ways to lead, better ways to manage or do our work are changing at record speed.
This entry was posted in Agile Certification Training, Agile Methodologies, BA Project Certification, CAPM Certification with Exam Prep, CAPM Certifications, Managing Project Risk, Managing Scope, Measuring Project Performance and Earned Value Management, PBA Certification PMI, PMI Agile Certification, PMI Agile Practitioner Certification, PMI BA Certification, PMI Business Analysis Certification, PMI Business Analyst Certification, PMI Certifications, PMI-ACP Certification, PMI-ACP Certification Training, PMI-ACP Certification with Prep, PMI-ACP Classes, PMI-ACP Exam Pass Guarantee, PMI-ACP Practitioner, PMI-PBA Certification, PMI-PBA Certification Benefit of Training, PMI-PBA Certification Training, PMI-PBA Certification Training Outline, PMI-PBA Exam Distribution, PMI-PBA Exam Requirements, PMI-PBA Pass guarantee, PMP Boot Camps, PMP Certification, PMP Certification Detroit-Troy, PMP Certification Live Online, PMP Certification Prep, PMP Certification with Prep in DC, PMP Certification with Prep Seattle, PMP Classes, PMP Courses, PMP Exam Prep, PMP Exam Preparation, PMP Exam Preparation, PMP Prep, PMP Prep Course, Professional in Business Analysis Training, Project Management Training, Project Management Training, Requirements Management Certification and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.